HotGemini FAQ
Click here for all forum related questions
What is all about?
HotGemini is a place on the web where Gemini enthusiasts can meet to look at and talk about their favorite little car.
How do I get my Gemini on the site?
Email your pictures with a description you want to go with it to ![](/images/gallery_email.gif)
How do I change the description or add new pictures for my gallery entry?
Email any updates to with a link to your gallery entry so that we can find it quickly
Why haven't you put my car up yet, I sent you my pics ages ago.
I do my best to get pictures up quickly, if it's been more than a few weeks send me a reminder.
I have a question about my Gemini, can you answer it?
It's best to ask in the forums, you'll usually get a quick response from someone that knows more than me.
I want to start a Gemini club, help!
Start posting in the clubs section of the forum under your state. Once you have something established contact one of the forum administrators for your state to get a sticky post with your club info.
How do I find out about any upcoming cruzes?
Have a look in the Meets/Cruises/Events topic of the forum, also check in the gemini Clubs section under your state.
There's a problem with the site, I can't login, there's a broken link ... ect
I want to fix it. Let me know exactly what's wrong via the feedback form
Can you link to my Gemini site?
No probleamo, as long as you link back to, send me a description of your site via the feedback form
Can I help out with
Yes! If you are able to do any of the following please contact me, no cash payments but you get to be a part of and get your name mentioned in the credits!
Hotgemini Logo Design
Site Design
Forum Moderators
Workshop Tip Contributors
Article Contributors
What host / software do you use? is GNU-Linux/Apache hosted by Hurricane Electric and EV1 Servers. The forum is written in PHP powered by phpBB, the news script is powered by NewsPro. The gallery and all admistrative scripts are written by me in Perl using a MySQL database backend. Don't you just love Free Software!
My question is not answered here, what do I do?
Send me a message via the feedback form